Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ready For A New You? Best Ways To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

By Carlena P. Martinez

Weight loss that is successful includes not only shedding pounds, but keeping them off, too. If you've ever noticed people who lose weight really fast, they tend to gain it back just as quickly as well. When you begin your weight loss journey, you will eventually realize that you must not only change your diet, but increase your fitness level as well. This article can help you do just that.

A good tip for losing weight is to do your cardio first thing in the morning, before you have anything to eat. You can burn more calories this way.

Try replacing other beverages with water if you're trying to lose weight. Beverages like soda and juice are loaded with calories and will only hinder your progress. Water has no calories or fat, is cheap, and can tame your hunger.

Eating with a friend or loved one is a great way to limit the amount of food you consume. You will be more likely to eat everything in front of you if you eat alone.

A great tip that will help you in losing weight is to have a goal of how many pounds you will lose each week. Losing more than two pounds a week is actually not good for you. If you try to lose weight too quickly, you are risking your health and will probably just gain it back.

Accompanying any meal with some form of physical activity is a perfect way to lose fat. Planning an event such as a picnic? Walk to a park to have it, providing yourself with a little exercise. When you have the time, plan to participate in a moderate physical activity before and/or after a meal. For example, walk to and from the restaurant near your work at lunchtime rather than driving.

Run down the beach to burn calories while watching the beautiful view. Anytime you are running on the sand you are going to feel it fast because the sand will add some resistance that you will not find while running on pavement or grass.

A good weight loss strategy to follow is to make use of smaller dishes. If you use plates that are big, there is a bigger chance that you will overeat. Your dinner must fit on a nine-inch plate. If it is bigger than that it is too big.

Try eating meals at the same general time each day. This helps your body to know when the next wave of food is coming, and staves off snacking. You should also schedule your snacks. Making a schedule will help you eat less by avoiding unnecessary snacks.

Keep a plan of the meals you are going to eat. Making ill-considered, unhealthy food choices is less likely when you have a plan, reminding you of what you are supposed to be eating. Make sure you adhere to your prescribed meal plans. Avoid fast foods, if you need a change switch up a meal, this is a much healthier option. If you cook your own meal, you not only provide yourself with food that is healthier, but you also burn calories in the process.

Avocados are very rich but surprisingly can help you lose weight. Although avocados may be high in fat, the fat they contain is unsaturated, which is actually good for you. The rich and silky texture of the vegetable can make it quite satisfying for people avoiding other fats. Vegetarian tacos that use avocado in place of meet is tremendously tasty and a far healthier choice.

Spice up your workouts by exercising with a workout buddy. This will provide you with company and motivation as you work toward your goals. You are likely to be more productive with your friend there as well.

The more fat that you convert to muscle, the better your body will burn calories immediately following a workout. You can lose more weight with the same effort. Several weekly sessions of strength training builds your muscles up.

If the thought of hours on a treadmill has you avoiding exercise, try a different cardio option. Take a hike or a bike ride. These activities, as well as many others, will burn fat and calories and help in your weight loss efforts. Pick the activities that you love and then engage in them more often.

Maintaining a healthy body weight is important to your future, so you need to be educated about it. A clear understanding makes it possible to create a plan that works for you. The tips in this article are a great way to begin.

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