Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Important Things You Should Know About Anorexia

By Lisa Moreson

Anorexia Nervosa is identified as a mental dysfunction. People who are anorexic have a distorted body image and an illogical concern of being obese so they intentionally make an attempt to lose weight. Although the vast majority of anorexic people are young girls, men can also go through Anorexia Nervosa.

There are actually numerous symptoms for anorexia. Some people may not experience all of the symptoms. The symptoms include: Exercising all the time, use laxatives, skipping meals, afraid of gaining weight, have weak body, going to the bathroom right after meals, Dry mouth, Extreme sensitivity to cold, Loss of bone strength, and Wasting away of muscle and loss of body fat.

It has been tough to recover from anorexia because anorexic people usually refuse to get any help, some people even deny that they have anorexia, but it's possible to get rid of this illness if you have determination to get through this tough situation. The first thing to do is to accept that you need help. Stop thinking bad thing about yourself. be confident no matter what you look like. Work toward healthy lifestyle. Don't look at the media that show weight loss or slim models. Be happy with yourself and don't try to be like other people.

Seeking help is very important if you, your friends or family have anorexia. The aim of treatment is to save you from many serious health problems that may occur when you deny maintaining your healthy eating habit. Consult your doctor is the door-opened to be healthy again. Anorexia can causes complicated emotional issues and often times can cause critical medical conditions.

There are many things to cause anorexia. One of the most significant causes is worthless personal feeling due to many factors such as low self confident, loss of success, hate the way they look. Some people have anorexia because of stress, it makes them lose appetite and finally stop eating. One more important cause of anorexia is cultural influence of the country where the person is living. It is really popular that some societies consider that the ideal beauty is based in extreme slimness.

Become anorexic is not the good thing to do. There are many ways to overcome your problem or lose weight. Starving yourself is the worst way to do. Try to seek help if you are suffering from anorexia. It's a must to get treatment to prevent serious health problem that may occur.

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