Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Game Known As Cornhole

By Lana Bray

Cornhole is a backyard game that is rather popular in various places. It is sometimes referred to by other names, such as bean bag toss, corn toss or bags. There are slight similarities to horseshoes or bocce ball but is a distinct game in its own right.

Two teams play against one another and each team has a set of four bags. At times the bags have corn feed as filler, which is what gives the name of cornhole. Each team's bags need to look different, for example with different colors, in order to easily know which belong to which team.

The other pieces of equipment that are needed are two platforms. Each of these is approximately two feet wide by four feet long with a six-inch hole about nine inches from the top in the center of the board. The platform is angled so that the top is about a foot higher than the bottom. The two are generally set 27 feet apart but shorter distances are acceptable when there is not enough space or for younger players.

On either side of the platforms is an unmarked box defined by the ends of the boards. Players stand in one of these areas when they are throwing their bags. The foul line is determined by the bottom of the platform and cannot be crossed when throwing.

The game can be played with either one or two people per team. For doubles, one team member tosses from one platform and the other from the other one. When playing singles, both players throw from the same side.

The game is played in rounds with each one consisting of one player from each team throwing all four bags. They can stand in either pitcher's box but must remain there for that whole round. The team that scored more in one round throws first in the next one. If the scores were even, the team that threw last goes first in the following round.

For basic scoring, a bag that goes through the hole is worth three points. It doesn't matter whether it goes directly in, slides into the hole or is pushed in by a different bag. Any bag that is remaining on the board at the end of a round scores one point. Bags on the ground do not score any points. The first team to score 21 points wins the game.

Several variations on scoring exist. One is to reward two points for bags that are partially over, but not in, the hole. Another is to require a team to score exactly 21 points to win. Usually when a tie occurs, the game will continue until a round ends with one of the teams having a higher score.

The origin of the game of cornhole is unclear. What is certain, however, is that is has gained significantly in popularity in recent years. Being relatively easy and fun to play, it's likely to continue to be widely played for years to come.

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