Monday, May 5, 2014

Some Varieties Of Baseball Hitting Aids

By Agnes Dickson

Good hitting requires not just an eye and reflexes but a disciplined swing. A good swing requires the number of repetitions that don't come when one has to constantly throw fresh baseballs to be sprayed a couple hundred feet in all directions across the park or backyard. Baseball hitting aids can cultivate any batter's natural and talent.

As a piece of sports equipment to improve one's swing, it doesn't get much simpler than the batting tee. It works on the same simple principle as the ordinary golf tee but the ball is held high, and is adjustable, usually between two and a half feet and almost four feet high. This puts the ball into the sweet spot for most young hitters, so they get that repetition.

To keep the ball close after hitting it hard, one can supplement the tee with a portable screen that nets the ball once struck. Some of these nets have targets stitched inside them so the batter can practice placing the ball. Like the tees themselves, the screens are perfect for baseball or softball as well, and can be weighted and designed not blow away or tip over when it is windy.

A swing tee lets one avoid the whole problem of netting the struck ball after it has been struck. With a swing arm tee the ball is firmly fixed to the arm that itself is designed to swing around while rooted to an axis. The ball just springs right back after being whipped around in a tight circle once the young hitter crushes it.

Several types of batting tee work to sharpen a young hitter's swing by making maximum use of repetitions. Sadly, there really is no replacement for a live pitcher, especially for development of both timing and eye for the strike zone. The pitching machine is invaluable at helping develop these facets of good hitting.

Many people naturally think of a pitching machine as a rather expensive proposition, the sort of device only baseball teams and batting ranges can afford. It might come as a surprise to find that there are plenty of home pitching machines out there, especially for the younger players who need them most. Some of them cost little more than a bat or a glove, and in fact are some of the least expensive aids one can find.

One might look to buying protection nets for the back yard, looking like rooms or hallways woven out of fishing nets, for practicing with a pitching machine or with a practice pitcher. Those who don't mind something more pricey can look to the packages of equipment, quite often sponsored by a big name star. With packages one does see more of a difference between baseball and its cousin, softball.

A lot of the kind of equipment that was once the domain of league ball teams is available now to the common suburban household. Its scale is smaller but it is still built tough enough to handle a pounding. This is a toolkit that makes young batters better all over the world.

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