Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Nutrition Affects Health And Quality Of Life

By Samuel Gilbert

The word nutrition has several definitions, but most people take it as a synonym for good (as in healthy) food. This is one meaning; another is the study of how the body uses food for growth, tissue repair and replacement, energy production, and system defense. Some nutrients naturally found in food have been isolated or replicated as 'supplements', dense nutrition in a tablet, capsule, drink, or powder.

Food gives us calories, which can be 'burned' by the body for energy. This term comes from the fact that utilizing calories gives off heat. Some foods provide calories and nutrients, while others (junk foods or 'empty calorie' foods) give us almost nothing but taste appeal. In fact, some foods are negatives; sugar digestion drains vitamins and minerals out of bones and teeth. Our bodies need many things besides calories, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fibers, proteins, and fats.

Whole foods contain dense nutrition in their natural, fresh form. When people lived mainly on food they produced themselves, this was not as much of a problem as it is today. Fresh vegetables from the garden, fruits from bushes and trees, and meat from the barnyard or from wildlife were staples for many generations.

Foods are modified for commercial reasons. Fresh fruits are both expensive and perishable. It's easier to stock up on canned fruits and vegetables, frozen fruit juices, or frozen vegetables. Milk, once drunk raw (unpasteurized) and fresh from the cow or goat, is now pasteurized and homogenized. Unfortunately, much of the goodness of the natural food was lost along the way.

To extend shelf-life, essential fatty acids are removed, which has caused a general lack of these vital nutrients. Fiber is not popular with those who like soft or crisp baked goods, and vegetable oils used as common ingredients have been rendered unhealthy by processing. Sugar addiction is a problem for many and causes obesity, bone degeneration, and tooth decay, as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Food is said to be the best medicine. An effort should be made to get as much fresh, whole food as possible every day. Food allergies or sensitivities can complicate things for people who may already be suffering from malnutrition. Artificial colors, flavorings, and preservatives have proved harmful in laboratory studies, and many believe they aggravate such things as allergies, attention deficit disorder, and hyperactivity in children.

Not all of a nutritional program concerns food. Exercise to tone muscle and promote fitness is very important. Walking, weight training, and body building tone muscles and strengthens the digestive tract and other internal organs. An adequate supply of pure water every day is vital. Deep sleep, which escapes many, is also necessary. Breathing from the diaphragm, as happens during exercise, is another health booster.

Anyone interested in a good quality of life, with freedom from pain and illness and enough energy to enjoy both work and play, must understand nutrition and assess their own diet. Much suffering and expense can thus be avoided.

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