Sunday, January 18, 2015

Overview Of Varicose Veins Austin

By Stacey Burt

Smoking cessation is recommended. The elevation of members, facilitating venous return and decompression of varices. The management of varices vein was the subject of publication of recommendations of American Society for Vascular Surgery (varicose veins Austin). Uncomplicated and not symptomatic varices requires no medical or surgical treatment except for aesthetic purposes.

The indication for treatment of spider vein is simple only cosmetic. Several methods are available as sclerotherapy, thermocoagulation or application of laser. Sclerotherapy allows an improvement in 70% of cases. 5 and port of contention for a few weeks after the sessions. Radical measures are mostly remove reflux in pathological vein, either by surgery or by sclerosis, that it be chemical (injections) or physical (closure, Laser).

When only one parent is affected, the risk drops to 62% for the female child and 25% for the male child. If no parent is reached, the risk of developing varices are 20%, regardless of sex of child. Various aggravating factors exist: pregnancy (hormonal factor) especially if they are repeated, prolonged standing or sitting, obesity, constipation, wearing clothes that tighten (garters, girdles, below), heat and certain exercises such as weight training and weightlifting they exert a negative pressure on the venous system, increasing leg pain and risk of varices in susceptible individuals. Large size men also have more propensity to have varices.

Occlusion of deep venous system (phlebitis) also causes a dilation of superficial venous network to support the venous return. It is important to differentiate between the vein (small intradermal dilatations of less than 3 mm) of varices itself. Essentially, varices affect the lower limbs. They may be either primary or secondary to postphlebitic disease.

Complications can be deep phlebitis (5.3%) 12, a pulmonary embolism (0.06%), a level of complication as wound infection (2.2%), nerve damage with residual anesthetic at ankle. The recurrence rate is 5-60% at 10 years according to studies. It is also noteworthy that this surgery removes the saphenous trunks that may be useful in future if the patient needs a coronary artery bypass or members, as the saphenous trunks, even among the carrier about varices vein.

To determine the insufficient saphenous vein, the surgeon will prescribe a Doppler examination, that is to say, an ultrasound examination for exploring intravascular blood flow. Vascular doctor will be able to map the vein which will locate the reflux and leakage points and determine the main superficial vein that are healthy. Before the intervention, it is important to shave the legs and wash with Betadine before arriving at the hospital. The surgeon will mark the previously felt pen varices vein to properly identify varices branches a few hours before the operation.

There are different surgical techniques for operating varices vein. But most practiced is the stripping, also called stripping. When the main valves saphenous show no abnormalities, simple extraction of varices branches is possible. By cons when varices vein are important and there he insufficient valves saphenous trunks, stripping is necessary.

Stripping involves removing the saphenous vein, usually with its branches "stripping plus phlebectomies" under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia anesthesia lumps. The operation takes place in three stages: the ligation, stripping itself and elimination of small residual varices (phlebectomy. Crossectomy involves interrupting the connection between the diseased vein and the deep venous system. For the great saphenous vein, an incision is made in groin, another ankle or hock and the small saphenous vein, an incision behind the knee and the second also at the ankle or calf. Ligation will be performed where the vein empties into deep venous system.

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