Monday, January 26, 2015

Finding Good Horse Racing Trainers

By Kristen Baird

Owning a race worthy animals is an exciting experience. There is just nothing to compare with a day at the races cheering on your own horses to a winning finish. But behind all the fun there is a tremendous amount of work and expense. Working with a really good trainer is the best way to ensure successful race horses. These professionals really understand the business and know how to pick a winner.

Most race horses are Thoroughbreds. This means they can trace their lineage back many generations and horse racing trainers know which blood lines to look for. Horses are like people, they pass on their physical and emotional qualities to their offspring. Animals with a great blood line command the highest prices. Most race horses are sold at auction as yearlings or two year old's.

Many people make the decision that they want to buy a race horse and then start to look around for a suitable trainer. The type of trainer will depend on which area of racing they want to explore. By far the biggest field is flat race meets. These are run over a fairly short distance and the horses are usually thoroughbreds.

Anyone interested in owning race horses should take the time to meet with several trainers first. They must find someone they feel comfortable working with. Most trainers are only too happy to take on new clients and their horses. However, a new owner will need to be patient and take his trainers advice about when to run his horses.

A good trainer will work with each client to find them the best horses. These people have spent their lives around horses and really know what they are looking at. Yet even the horses with the best breeding do not always go on to be track winners. Owners must be prepared for many disappointments before they find that all important winner. For most owners there will only be one really good horse in their lifetime.

Choosing a trainer does require a lot of homework. The first step is to look for those that have a good consistent winning record. Most people then like to make an appointment to go over and tour the stables. It is nice to get a first hand look at the facilities on offer and learn how the trainer operates. Each one will have their own particular style and eccentricities.

Just like people, some horses have a more high strung nature. They may feel the tension of a big race day and get over whelmed. A good trainer will recognize which of his horses need extra help and be there to keep them calm. In many cases an over excited animal will waste a lot of energy that he really needs for the race.

Keeping a horse in training is not cheap. Owners must be ready to pay for many extras on top of the regular board and care. Veterinarian bills can be quite a lot, especially if the animal gets sick. There are also race registration fees and other costs such as paying the jockey and transportation to the races.

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