Friday, February 28, 2014

The Different Approaches Of Natural Treatment For MS

By Jerri Perry

Nerve fibers in the brain, the spinal cord and even the optics are wrapped with insulation layers known as myelin sheath. The layer allows for electrical impulse conduction through the sheath very high speed and high level of accuracy. Any damage to this layer affects the manner in which the transmission takes place. This is the genesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). The nerves of the sensory organs, the spinal cord and those of the brain lose some parches of myelin which disrupts the communication between the brain and other parts body parts. Among the available alternatives out of the condition, natural treatment for MS is quickly gaining popularity.

Although little is known about the root cause and its progression, a lot can now be said when it comes to natural treatment for MS. These are clinically tried remedies that have proven to worth trying. These remedies primarily rely on total lifestyle change, the alternative therapy and the focus on diet. All the approaches in one way or another target to reduce the rate of myelin depletion manage symptoms and help accelerate the progress of healing.

The natural treatment for MS is not well understood on how they interact with other medication, the right dosages, combination and even if they work at all. Currently, there are many research works going on to determine how nutrients and supplements play a role in multiple sclerosis cures. Having said that, it is better to inform your doctor when you have the condition and the medical approach you have taken including the use of supplements.

The advice from medical doctors is that those who go for this treatment alternatives should always maintain low dosage until when sure of how the supplement is affecting your condition. You can then increase the dosage if they are improving the condition or stop if the situation is getting worse.

Psychological techniques are the other approaches used. In this way, techniques such as neuro-linguistic programming are targeted at identifying and treating any negative thoughts which may arise in the process of treatment. It also helps in dealing with the possible side effects that arise. It I not common approach in the mainstream medicine although it has been clinical proven to work. As such, it can make treatment process more holistic in approach.

The exercises and yoga are also other physical alternatives out of the situation. After continuous physical activity for about six months, the fatigue which happened to be the most common symptom is reduced in a matter of time. This can be done together with other treatment methods for full recovery.

The other tips include increase intake of vegetables and fruits, multivitamin and other multi-mineral supplements, up to 5 grams of lecithin granules on daily basis, about 30 milligrams three times daily dose of coenzyme Q10, eating ginger and turmeric, replacing animal protein with plant protein and reducing the quantity of the same, complete elimination of milk and its derivatives among many other ways.

Natural treatment for MS is basically on lifestyle change and adding the vitamins and minerals that may be inadequate in the body. In most cases, the approaches are supportive of healthy leaving and therefore worth trying.

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