Saturday, December 21, 2013

Studying To Work In The MD Orthopedic Section Of A Hospital

By Jeannie Chapman

Those who are interested in studying to be a professional in the medical field may consider something in the line of orthopedics. The section of an MD orthopedic hospital is where patients will go if they have minor or sever bone or muscular problems. They may have arthritis or a deformity, or they may have broken bones that need attention. There may also be surgical procedures involved.

Whether you choose to be a surgeon or a nurse, you should be prepared to face several years of intense education. You must be ready to study for long hours in order to pass the relevant exams, and be willing to take part in internship programs that will provide you with hands-on experience. You will not be allowed to enter the field of orthopedics if you do not have qualifications. Slightly different careers to follow include those of a technician and a sales rep.

Technicians are medical personnel who work under the supervision of the surgeon, and who are trained in the maintenance and preparation of casts, braces and all other relevant equipment. They will take care of patients by adjusting, applying and removing the splints or casts that are necessary. Technicians could work in orthopedics, in the plastic surgery department or in the emergency section of a hospital.

Colleges who train individuals to become technicians require a high school diploma or a GED qualification. They will also check to see if you have acquired adequate grades. It is beneficial if you have done science, maths, physics and similar subjects in high school. You will then take several courses, attend an internship program and be required to successfully pass the NBCOT exam before you can begin work.

Nurses are very valuable staff members in all sections of a hospital, including orthopedics. They will tend to the patients fitted with casts and splints etc. Only registered nurses who have worked for a minimum of 1000 hours may apply to work in the orthopedics section of a hospital. An RN must study and pass the NCLEX exam for registered nurses.

In order to become a surgeon you will really need to be dedicated to your profession. There are a great number of years required for study, and it will be quite costly as well. It is wise to perhaps spend some time with a surgeon to see what the work involves so that you are sure it is what you want. You must also choose a good school to attend, perhaps a school for osteopathic medicine.

Sales representatives, or marketers, do not have to take care of patients, but will rather be selling orthopedic equipment to medical facilities and practitioners. For this a marketing or business degree is needed, as well as sufficient knowledge regarding orthopedics. The marketer will take the equipment from the manufacturer and demonstrate it to the hospital administrators.

Whether you choose to become an MD orthopedic nurse, technician, surgeon or sales rep, you will need to be a hardworking individual who is dedicated to your job. Those who are working with patients should like to be around people. Professionals in orthopedics can expect to be rewarded for their hard work with a good rate of pay.

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