Friday, December 27, 2013

Medical Supply For An Effective Healthcare System

By Eugenia Dickerson

Most of the items used in the provision of health services are usually not durable. The majority of them gets disposed after use and cannot be shared between patients. In fact, a single patient may not use some of them repetitively. This is the description of materials in category of medical supply. Most of them are prescribed or ordered by the physicians for their own use or for betterment of the health of the patient.

While the primary target is always to improve the health status of the patient and safety of the health providers, complete opposite can sometimes happen. They can sometimes be the source of threat in health sector as a result of defectiveness or mishandling.

It is not surprising therefore that too much consideration is put in place when ordering items in this category of utilities. All the players from the manufacturers, suppliers, transporters, storage and eventual users put in effort for the maximum safety of these utilities.

While the hospitals and other health providers might put in place all the necessary steps to ensure that their environment and treatment procedures are completely secure, the efforts are sometimes in vain particularly if the utilizes supplied to them are defective or are below the required standards. The storage procedures must also be effective as most of these materials are highly sensitive to environmental conditions such light, moisture, temperature and even pressure.

One major effect of using ineffective utilities in the medical field is the health acquired conditions. This consists of injuries, ailments or infections that a patient acquires when in the process of seeking treatment. In most cases, they are not related to the primary ailment that brought the patient in that health facility. When a patient falls and break a bone in healthcare facility for instance for any reason, it becomes a health acquired condition.

The other victims when it comes to poor quality or defective equipment are the health workers. This category consist of the health professionals like nurses and doctors and support staff like cleaners and others. There are reports where doctors sustain injuries when handling this equipment. The situation can even be worse when they get infected with life threatening ailments as a result of defective equipment. For protective measures, gloves, masks and other protective cloths are normally used.

The protective devices that are mostly employed include disinfectants, gloves, protective coats and sometimes masks. The technology has however improved the situation as it is now possible to examine the effectiveness of most of these utilities before they are brought to the actual use. Most utilities and other equipment can always be monitored in terms of performance and the corrective measures taken before the situation deteriorates.

For the effectiveness and safety of medical supply, all the industry players have a responsibility. From the manufacturers, suppliers and other dealers to store keepers and the eventual users, all have a responsibly to play. The regulatory bodies too must keep their rules tight to ensure that the general public remains safe.

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