Saturday, September 28, 2013

Will A High Protein Diet Damage Your Kidneys Or Not?

By Russ Hollywood

If you have ever asked a personal trainer or experienced gym user how to lose weight it's highly likely that you have already heard about following a high protein diet. Today you'll learn how to use this approach correctly and also put a line through some of the common misconceptions associated with it.

One of the biggest concerns when looking at a high protein diet is the effect it has on your long-term health. This is because so many fad diets over the years have used this technique incorrectly and given it a bad reputation. Using the latest science, you can easily work out how to do this right.

In their search for an instant quick fix, celebrity diets such as the Atkins plan would recommend following high protein intake without taking other things into consideration. This led to the belief that too much protein would be too hard for our kidneys to handle and would lead to long-term weight gain as well as potentially serious health issues. Studies at various universities across the USA have proven this theory to be false over the last few years, but still this rumor continues to persist.

The real key why those fad diets of the past never worked is the carbohydrate count. If you've ever had a friend who tried the Atkins or any other weight loss plan of that type then you may have noticed how quickly they piled the weight back on when they came off the program. Usually the participant ends up heavier than when they started. This is because those diets usually ask you to cut your carbohydrate count out of your diet altogether.

There is nothing wrong with a low carb diet, but there is plenty wrong with a zero carb diet. You see, your body needs all three macronutrients in order to stay alive. If you chop carbohydrates or fats from your daily eating routine then you are asking for trouble. Consuming high protein was never really the issue, it was simply a theory which has since been proven wrong.

So a high protein diet is perfectly safe, providing you take the precautions to ensure your fat and carbohydrate consumption is also up to par. This is one of the key rules to any successful healthy eating plan, along with regular exercise and a good amount of rest. []

To work out a good low carb, high protein diet try the following split:

* 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight (the weight you want to be, that is).

* Your carbohydrate intake should be around 0.5g per pound of body weight.

* 0.5. grams of fats per pound of body weight.

That would make sure you were getting enough protein to substitute your lower carbohydrate cont and ensure you didn't lose lean muscle along the way, while also making sure that you aren't cutting anything too low.

Learning how to lose weight can sometimes feel like an impossible mission. There are so many contradictions and different opinions out there, many individuals feel they must hire a personal trainer to do all of the scientific parts for them. The truth is, however, you can do this all by yourself if you base your decisions on scientific findings as opposed to the latest popular opinion.

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