Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Causes And Remedies To The Cant Stay Asleep Syndrome

By Lelia Hall

In day to day endeavors, millions of words and phrases are used. What is intriguing is that this particular phrase "cant stay asleep" is common and is continuously uttered all over the world in different languages despite the difference in race, religion and tribes. To those humans who are speech challenged or are not with the ability to communicate yet, they portray it by actions, for example, a restless and crying baby at night who is a nuisance to those taking a break from the demanding world of tedious job routines. This together with other adverse reasons led to scientist being more concerned to look at insomnia carefully in order to find solutions.

From research, it shows that approximately 40 million Americans undergo sleeping disorders at certain stage in their life ranging from mild cases to acute ones. A sample of 1200 Americans were taken whose age ranged from 21-31. This research was conducted by Health Maintenance Organization in machigan. It showed that 16.6% were affected by life insomnia, 8.2% by hyperinsomnia and 8% by hyperinsomnia plus life insomnia. Considering the age, the youth seem to score high which can be associated with long hours they spend on the computer. In terms of gender, women were more than the men.

A lot of efforts from government and NGOs have been put into insomnia research. Some of the institutions in the forefront of this fight are The Insomnia Center at Clayton sleep institute. This institution runs diagnosis and treatment using focused and dedicated emphasis on comprehensive care for patient suffering this condition.

Some of the topmost causes of this sleeping disorder include psychiatric disorder, hectic work schedule, poor lifestyle, anxiety brought by different life situations e. G. Medical reports, exams in students etc.

Another distinct cause is psychiatric disorder such as depression, post-traumatic stress and chronic pain. It's also good to note that mental disorder can be a cause and consequence of mental illness. Patient with persistent and untreated insomnia are estimated to be between 2 to 10 times more on risk of recurrent episodes or onset of depression.

Drug or substance abuse is also a major contributing factor to sleeping disorder. It's now a well-known fact that alcohol interferes with the normal sleeping pattern by disrupting certain neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate sleep. Cocaine as a stimulant drug induces a sense of euphoria which later is followed by a sense of depression. This drug has an effect on dopamine; a chemical produced in the brain thus interfering with sleep pattern. Other drugs include marijuana and khat/miraa.

The good news is that patients can receive various diagnosis and treatments. For the aged, acupuncture and acupressure are recommended as well as herbal remedies. Those with acute insomnia are advised to have improved life in terms of diet and behavioral approaches to various situations that present themselves in life and this can bring healthy sleeping habits. Mind therapies and cognitive behaviors are very helpful too. Trazolam, flurazrapam benzodiazepines are some of commonly prescribed drugs although they have mild side effect such as fatigue, confusion, disorientation among others.

With all the above advice, a good rule of thumb would be getting treatment earlier rather than later before insomnia graduate from acute level to chronic. This will ensure less personal suffering as its easier to treat this disorder when it can be dealt with as well as eliminate development of associate disorders.

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