Saturday, December 13, 2014

How A Peabody, MA Chiropractor Alleviates Slip And Fall Accident Pain Today

By Darcy Gautreau

Falling down is embarrassing and in bracing for the impact it often causes greater damage. It is too late, after the fact, to think about relaxing into the fall. Now there is the pain and suffering to deal with unless you consider setting up an appointment with a Peabody Chiropractor.

The first thing you do is fill out some forms with all your medical history, including drugs you take. Give a short description of how the accident happened and where you experience pain. If you are unable to drive, get a friend to bring you to the appointment.

The doctor reads over your information and one of the assistants guides you to an examination room. Here the doctor will conduct some range-of-motion tests to determine the severity of restricted mobility. X-rays show any spinal misalignment and related issues that impede your activity.

In most cases, a massage is given to relax your muscles and relieve some of the pain. The doctor will then physically examine your spinal column for tenderness and any other abnormalities. Sometimes, it is necessary to make an adjustment to realign subluxated discs. Once they are no longer pinching a nerve, the pain starts to disappear.

After the doctor has all the information gathered and studied, he or she shows you some exercises that are intended to assist healing in the affected areas. At this time, you will know how often you need to return for additional sessions to maintain your progress and prevent future issues.

Anyone can fall and hurt themselves, and most of the time there is no damage. However, when pain ensues, and you are unable to live your normal life, it is time to seek out the benefits of holistic care through a qualified and experienced chiropractor.

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