Friday, December 12, 2014

Possible State-Side Applications For A Military Antenna

By Claudine Hodges

Soldiers and technicians all over the United States have developed and tested a wide assortment of communications equipment. This equipment, such as a military antenna, has more than tactical purposes. Many private businesses can utilize this same technology, even purchasing their equipment through merchants who represent the Department of Defense.

The VHF/GPS covers VHF frequencies from 118 to 137 megahertz and GPS at 1575.42 megahertz. The equipment is portable and often fits the 26.5 dB gain GPS panel mount system. Most often this type of tech can be used for small-engine aircraft such as helicopters or single-engine airplanes. Some yacht aficionados keep this particular tool on board, and one might even find it aboard a luxury cruise liner.

The whip-style antennas, also called the UHF/DECT, can cover up to 1980 MHz. It is not uncommon for such an article of technical equipment to be utilized in ground vehicles where the home base must keep in touch with wheels on the ground. Taxi companies, county or city buss driving systems, and even emergency vehicles could all find they are better able to keep in touch with the UHF.

Wifi has been quite literally the wave of the future, and entire families or offices can ride this wave with a UHF/W-LAN. These wifi signals can keep computers, phones, Kindles, i-Pads, and any other interface presented running smoothly. Through the magic if wifi, the entire planet can be connected.

It is a sad fact that most of our modern conveniences have been developed during war times throughout history. It is during these periods that research and development are most funded, thus seeing an increase in advancements. World War II certainly saw more than a fair share of progress in the areas of medicine, automobiles, and the development of our current modern infrastructure, such as the Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate Highway System.

Previously used items such as old tackle and gun-metal boxes are always available at surplus stores all over. Whether purchasing for a recently returned Veteran, or for an old Sailor, this is one location where this type of technology can be found. It is not difficult to find more up-to-date tools for less when shopping the Army Surplus Store for computer equipment.

Newer equipment has been developed to withstand some very harsh and unpredictable conditions due to the issues faced dealing with fine sand and dust in the first Desert Storm war. Many years of research and development have taken place to ensure that all electronic gadgets can function in any environment. There are quite a few online merchants who sell new or only slightly used equipment on behalf of the DOD.

Anyone with or without previous service in the armed forces would be pleased to receive the gift of long-range communication. There are many Department of Defense merchants online who can provide assistance to private individuals wishing to make a purchase. Do not forget to visit the old Army/Navy surplus store and see what they have in store this time.

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