Thursday, August 21, 2014

Peabody, MA Headache Pain Alleviated Naturally With Chiropractic Care Using Spinal Adjustments

By Donna Beley

There are many different types of headaches that individuals suffer from. Some are due to tension. For example, from working at a computer each day. Others are migraines, a severe type that causes severe pain and nausea. There is help available at Peabody Chiropractic, that does not require the use of medication.

A tight feeling or dull ache behind the eyes is caused by the tension headache. A subluxation, or misalignment of small bones that make up the spine is a known cause. A series of spinal adjustments can correct the subluxation, thereby reducing the intensity of pain.

The small bones, called vertebrae, contain the delicate spinal cord. Chiropractic adjustments can realign them and relieve the pressure. They can be misaligned as the result of an accident, a car crash for example.

Tension headaches may occur frequently, but last only a few hours. A migraine may last for days. They have different causes and symptoms.

The chiropractor will do a thorough evaluation of the individual with headache pain. A lengthy discussion will ensue regarding foods consumed before the pain started. Certain foods are noted for triggering headaches, especially migraines.

The constriction of blood vessels in the brain, followed by a rapid dilation of those vessels are known to occur before the beginning of a migraine. Apparently the dilation is causative. However, it is not known why the constriction takes place.

The physical part of the exam will look at the spine. Often an x-ray is taken to aid in the assessment. After the complete health history is taken, the plan will be made for care to relieve the pain.

A series of spinal adjustments are proven to alleviate the pain in both types. Professional advice will be given regarding the foods to avoid. Some examples are cheese and any meat that contains nitrites.

Clients find that after the series of adjustments are completed, the headaches are not likely to return any time in the near future. Most elect to have follow-up care at intervals. This can maintain the cervical spine in the correctly aligned position.

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