Saturday, July 19, 2014

What You Need To Know About A Custody Evaluator

By Sherry Gross

It is important that you understand what really entails custody evaluation in order to make the right decision. To begin with, a custody evaluator is a professional appointed by the court to resolve matters that touch on parenting. In most cases, evaluators are qualified psychologists who are well placed to solve family related issues about custody and well being of children.

The main role of these professionals is to evaluate the prevailing circumstances and make recommendations to the court. They therefore advise on visitation programs for the children and things that are related to their welfare. Their decisions are based solely on the existing situation and which will always differ from one family to the other. Basically, they leave nothing to chance when it comes to the welfare of the kids.

The process entails gathering of information about the specific family by the evaluator which definitely will be used as a settlement. It is normally done the moment you and your partner have totally failed to agree on pertinent matters. In fact, it is more than likely to be the last resort to issues affecting parents and children.

There are fundamental factors that you will need to look into when choosing an evaluator, but top of the list must be experience and past records. It may be good to look at the charges but this should not make you compromise on the quality of services you receive. The best evaluators in the market are those with higher qualifications from recognized institutions. Additionally, they are members of professional bodies that are recognized by the government.

In order for the process to run smoothly always cooperate with all the parties involved in the process. It is during this time that parents are required to visit the office of the evaluator a number of times, way before the final decision is made. Additionally, the children will have to be interviewed with the professional to enable him asses the whole situation professionally. By including all parties, the final decision then made based on facts and not baseless opinions.

In the course of interviews, court documents will be reviewed too. You may also have to visit government recognized therapy centers for counseling to you and your partner as well as the children. Furthermore, there will be documented evidence on what transpires during this process from the time it commences to the end.

Always remember that this process is not confidential at all and matters discussed will be accessed by different parties involved. You should therefore be well prepared, open to evaluator, and avoid nervousness when meeting the individual. It is even better if you are in contact with your attorney all through so that everything runs smoothly. Also, talk to your children and make them understand why the process is important.

This process is always aimed to give children support and prevent situations where they are psychologically tortured. Basically, its main objective is to see that the needs of the children are met. It is one of the best ways of solving issues that spouses have failed to agree on especially those touching on the welfare of the children.

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