Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Warning Signs To Know About When Buying An Audiology Practice

By Rosella Campbell

Owning a business is definitely a fulfillment of people's lifelong dreams. To those who are looking forward to having their own Long Island audiology practice, you better consider purchasing one instead of starting it from scratch. As long as you actually have the money to make the purchase, you can go ahead with your choice.

However, you should not really view this option as extremely easy. The said option is not always a bed full of roses. You have to be meticulous and come prepared for any negotiations when you are making this particular purchase. Otherwise, you might get swept up in the flow of the intimidating sales process.

When you go ahead with the purchase, you should pay attention to some elements for your business. If you want to make a good choice, you have to investigate every nook and cranny of the business that you are thinking of buying before you make the choice. You have to know if there are factors that will make you back out of the deal.

You will also have to pay attention to the warning signs that are evident in bad businesses. These warning signs, when present, will tell you that a certain business is not the best option for you. Here are some warning signs which will tell you whether the business is your best choice or if you better search for another option.

First, a business that actually shows you an inconsistent financial statement is not the best place for you to start up in. In order for you to eliminate the worry of an inconsistent financial statement, your seller should provide you with income statements, balance sheets, and tax returns that covers three years prior leading up to the sale. Compare these statements properly.

It is fine if there are fluctuations with the sales but all of them should be explained. It is only understandable to have the fluctuations to happen yearly. After, various changes always occur in the economy. Other factors are present too. If the said fluctuations are not abnormal, then you can go ahead with the negotiations.

Hyper-growth is as worrisome as when there is a declining sales. A rapid spike in its sales is actually not a good thing, especially when it has something to do with heavy discounting without any corresponding increase in profitability as well as acquisitions. You can view this as the future growth not coming from organic means.

Too much reliance on third parties is definitely a red flag. That means that you will have to avoid those businesses that are clearly reliant on third parties. To know if a company is reliant on a third party or not, you have to figure out whether the sales actually have a high concentration of customers from a third-party source.

Poor key performance indicators or KPIs is certainly a red flag. Every company has a key performance indicator. You can include in the list the binaural rate, hearing aid return rate, cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales, and average selling price. These should not show any poor performance if you do not want to lose out in the deal.

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