Monday, March 17, 2014

Ways To Reverse Insulin Resistance

By Lisa Williamson

Preventable medical conditions are hard to manage and control once they are allowed to make the transition into advanced stages. Nowadays, most societies are experiencing a rise in the number of obese patients at risk of developing advance diabetes. A good number of obese patients are presently suffering from metabolic syndrome which leads to diabetes. Therefore, it is important that preventive measures be devised in order to reverse insulin resistance because diabetes cannot be cured.

This health syndrome is also referred to as metabolic syndrome. It is a health condition that occurs when tissue cells lose their responsive capabilities to the normal effects of this chemical. Its main role is to assist the body cells in grabbing glucose from the blood system so that they can produce energy. If this does not occur then the chemical's level in the blood rises simultaneously with increases in sugar level. This heralds the development of diabetes to type II diabetes.

Several ways are on hand in tackling this syndrome. Firstly, affected people should undertake fitness programs that will help them in reducing weight. This is because an overweight person has concentrated fats stored in blood vessels. This causes a significant rise in sugar levels therefore exacerbating the condition. Physical activities aid in rejuvenating cell structures so that they work at full capacities.

Secondly, consuming a good meal can help in reversing this problem. One should steer clear of meals that contain a high glycemic presence. These kinds of meals are loaded with big proportions of processed sugars and fats, and should therefore be shunned. Instead, they should take a balanced meal that contains high fiber, green vegetables, and low natural sugars. These meals assist in a correct metabolism rate and therefore reducing the effects of this syndrome.

The patient should again take renowned nutritional supplements. Such supplements have many significant abilities that decrease both hormone and blood sugars levels. Gymnema is renowned herbs that possess the capacity to assist in the renewal of pancreas cells that produce insulin. Cinnamon is a supplement that can achieve two goals at once. These are, increasing the breakdown of glucose and assisting patients in reducing weight.

The individual should strive to handle stressful situations in the best way possible. Failure to do this renders all other initiatives of overcoming the syndrome as pointless. High stress leads to the production of hormones that counter the functions of insulin inside the body by blocking its cell receptors therefore rising blood sugars.

The last course of action is using medications prescribed by doctors. There exist two types of medicines, which function in two distinct ways. The first aid in reducing blood sugar levels by making cells to be more responsive to insulin. The second curtails assimilation of glucose in the intestine thereby decreasing its absorption after eating. Several medications are introduced in the market at all times.

The risks posed by this disorder are infinite and grave. The vital thing is enlightening the populace on ways of identifying its signs and symptoms. This role lies with medical professionals and the government.

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