Saturday, March 15, 2014

Holistic Efforts For A Quality Farmers Market

By Robert Sutter

The best quality farmers market is one that is going to place more of an emphasis on local endeavors above anything else. I think that this is tremendous because, in terms of locally grown produce, you want to appeal to those on a smaller scale in order to retain freshness. However, what if I were to tell you that efforts made on this farm could prove to be, in a world, holistic? I believe that such a shift could benefit everyone from consumers who make purchases to the farmers who produce results.

An article on Charlottesville Tomorrow went into detail about a couple's efforts in order to create a holistic, organic farm in Virginia and I'd like to think that there is quite a bit of potential here. Chris and Annie Newman worked together in order to create SylvanAqua Farms, which is a startup company. The truth is that while it is able to create a smaller amount of food for a smaller amount of consumers, the results are still ones to talk about. I believe the company's development is where discussion should be drawn.

It's clear that the Newmans have been able to attain success, both because of their own efforts and those thanks to outside support. The article said that the company raised $8,000 thanks to a Kickstarter campaign. However, in a show of support for the business they looked to build, they sold their house as well. If nothing else, the efforts made on the part of the couple are those which stand as some of the most tremendous that, in my mind, can ever be imagined.

Expansion is planned for SylvanAqua, which is something that is required for any quality farmers market to thrive. Currently, the company only offers pumpkin pies and broiler chickens, so it is clear that there is more than a bit of room for more items to be added to the mix. However, the company plans to expand its inventory to include such aspects as eggs, heirloom vegetables, or what have you. These particular items are worth getting organic and authorities like Colle Farmers Market will agree.

When it comes to the act of growing food in the long term, I believe that there are many different items to take into consideration. You want to make sure that the food in question will be able to reach the public in terms of knowledge and I have to believe that any quality farmers market will be able to tell you just how important it is for this to be seen. This, in my opinion, will be able to lead to SylvanAqua in the right direction in terms of greater business.

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