Friday, August 9, 2013

The Benefits And Risks Of The Purchase Of A Vision Vivi Nova Tank

By Nita McKinney

It is a common sight nowadays to see people smoke. This is because smoking has become one of the most common addictions for people. While there may be people who likes to smoke, there are those who do not like this too. To avoid getting cynical looks from non-smokers, smokers might want to consider switching to e-cigarettes just like Vision Vivi Nova Tank.

There are surely various benefits that one can take advantage of when it comes to the said e-cigarette. Compared to the standard cigarette, the person does not have to worry about those cancer-causing chemicals such as tar. There is absolutely no trace of tar in a stick of e-cigarette so it is absolutely safe.

There is also no need for the person to think about the e-cig causing troubles for non-smokers. This is because there is no need to worry about the harmful side effects to non-smokers, considering that they are secondhand smokers. The e-cig does not give off smoke like the normal cigarette. Instead, it gives off water vapor.

The person does not have to worry about starting fire in this kind of cigarette too. This is because the person does not have to bring lighter just to light the e-cigarette up. It already has a rechargeable battery. This will be the one to stimulate the other end of the e-cigarette, which basically lights up when the person takes a puff.

The cost for the said e-cig is not that much too. In fact, it is a cheaper option compared to the normal cigarette. One refill for the cartridge of the e-cig costs significantly cheaper when compared to one carton of the normal cigarette.

The electronic cigarette is also the kind of smoking paraphernalia that the person can use despite the smoking ban in well-known public establishments. After all, the electronic cigarette does not really violate this law. The person can easily smoke this electronic cigarette inside any establishment upholding the no smoking law.

The benefits of the e-cig might be numerous. However, the person should consider the disadvantages that come with the said benefits. The e-cig does not only have one side, which is full of positive things. There is another side of it too. It is entirely up to the one who will smoke the e-cig if these disadvantages are fine.

First of all, the taste of this cigarette is different from the standard ones. Instead of the normal flavor of the standard cigarettes, the person can choose from a wide variety of flavors which even includes cherry. There are even times when people can choose a chocolate-flavored e-cigarette.

It might not also be as convenient as one thinks. The battery requires recharging every now and then. On the other hand, the cartridge requires refilling as well. It might be a little difficult for some who are interested in smoking e-cigs such as Vision Vivi Nova Tank.

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