Sunday, August 18, 2013

Is There A Natural Treatment For MS

By Cara Torres

MS is a very serious illness, and sometimes a common medicine simply can not help. Different cultures have different approach to the treatment of disease, and maybe you can try to ease their balance using their methods. In any case, the answer is yes. There is a natural treatment for MS. Perhaps this treatment cannot completely cure your disease, but it will improve your life.

Acupuncture is a known method that Chinese medicine has been used for centuries. The goal of acupuncture is to act on the nerve centers, in order to achieve physical balance and eliminate pain. Of course, acupuncture may practice only certified specialists. There is a risk of a variety of infections, so be sure to consult your doctor. It is effective against bladder control problems, as well as for reducing stress and pain.

Massages can significantly improve your condition as well. They can help you relax, ease the pain and eliminate muscle spasm. Some conditions such as bone-thinning osteoporosis can be an obstacle for a massage, as this may cause injury. In any case, be sure to consult your doctor before you opt for this kind of therapy.

Yoga and Tai Chi are very good options for stress relief. The exercises are performed slowly and without excessive investment of effort, and are truly beneficial to the whole organism. Excellent work on all the muscles of the body, but also the state of mind, which is very important. Better physical condition will certainly affect your health.

Linoleic acid will improve your symptoms. You will find it in Safflower oil, Sunflower seeds and Evening Primrose oil, for example. Other plants can also be very useful. Chinese medicine uses Astralagus, Burdock root and many other herbs. Green tea therapy also can have very good impact on your general condition. Natural herbal remedies can be very effective in some cases.

What you can do today is to change your eating habits. Throw all finished and semi-finished products, red meat and junk food. Try to eat as much organic fruit and vegetables, in order to ensure your body enough vitamins and minerals. Be careful with dairy products and gluten.

Lately, much has been said about cannabis oil. Supposedly this oil is highly effective against a wide range of diseases. Smoking marijuana has a beneficial effect on the muscles, because it relaxes. Be sure to consult your doctor before experimenting with marijuana. This treatment must be used under supervision, by all means.

Various supplements containing nutrients, vitamins and minerals that can favorably affect your body. Unfortunately, many manufacturers promise a miracle cure, which has not yet been proven. In any case, your body needs strength to fight the disease, and vitamins and other nutrients will help, provided that they are really good quality. Anti-oxidants and essential oils are important for healthy life.

When drugs fail, and the doctors can not help, maybe it's time to turn to nature. Nature is an inexhaustible source of health, and perhaps this approach is the best natural treatment for MS. Get enough sleep, exercise in the fresh air within your capabilities, eat healthy and fresh foods and keep a positive attitude. Consume organic food, get rid of processed food and meat and you will get better.

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