Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hit Two Birds With One Stone: Detox Diets for Weight Loss

While some people are busy detoxifying to feel light and clean inside, some are also busy detoxifying to lose weight. So if you are pretending that you still don't know or at least feel that detox diets can cause weight loss, the good news for you is about to come. Detox diets for weight loss are actually helpful tools for individuals out there who act more than like a cheerleader for being very weight-conscious. Or for those who call themselves obese even when they are not, just because their friends are slimmer.

There is not only one detox diet for weight loss. There are lot of detox recipes that may help you get rid of your unwanted weight. One of them is master cleansing. The master cleanses helps you remove excess waste from your colon and requires you to have lower calorie intake, thus making you lose 10 to 15 pounds after a week. The combination of tea, maple syrup, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper, supplies your body with a lot of essential nutrients, which helps you remain nourished while cleansing your colon.
You may also find the Raw Food Diet helpful for losing weight. This diet plan requires you to eat only fresh fruits and vegetables and drink water. This will help to eliminate toxins out of your system by taking organic products only. Aside from the fact that this plan aids in weight loss, this will also help you achieve a fairer complexion.

Juice fasting is also one way to detoxify and at the same time lose weight. Juice fasting is a more extreme type of raw food fasting where you only get to consume fruit and vegetable juices for about five to seven days to lose weight.

There are probably more detox diets for weight loss than just three. Truly they are very helpful and simple to do. However, the results of detox diets for weight loss continue to blind those who are desperate enough to lose weight. Aside from weight loss, which is regarded by many as a good result of detoxifying, detox diets can also cause liquid bowel movements due to lack of nutrients and may cause dehydration. Lack of vitamins and minerals caused by detoxifying may also result in brittle hair, which may give you the experience of hair loss. Serious illness like Anemia can also be caused by detoxifying.

Iron deficiency prevents the body to produce hemoglobins that are essential for oxygen transmission, thus giving you the said disease.

It is not bad to want to lose weight. However, always keep in mind that every action has its own consequences. Just remember that taking these into consideration is much easier than regretting in the end.
Stephan is a newbie in internet and network marketing. He also does SEO and Social Media Management. He loves writing articles about health and reading articles relating to fast food for sustained energy. Click here and find more about healthy living tips.

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