Thursday, July 12, 2018

Hitting The Gym With A Personal Trainer

By James Snyder

Society has certain standards of beauty when it comes to men and women. While women are expected to be dainty and delicate with long, smooth legs, sizable breasts, and a tiny waist, men are expected to be muscular, with bulging biceps and six pack abs. One thing they both have in common is that they must both have low body fat and tight muscles and flat stomachs. But those standards can be very hard to achieve. Not that people will ever stop trying. So long as models and entertainers continue to be praised for being the perfect avatars of these standards, people are going to keep heading to a personal trainer Marlborough.

Personal trainers have one mission in life. That mission is to get the clients that hire them into the gym where they can sweat it out to achieve their health and fitness goals. Now, this can take a lot of time and effort. There will be stumbling blocks and setbacks.

People like to eat food. That is fine. Human beings need food to survive. But people also like to eat the really unhealthy food. That is less fine, since that kind of food can damage the human body and throw it off its internal balance. But working out regularly can restore that balance, lowering the blood sugar and evening out the blood pressure and all that.

There is some debate over how much working out is actually needed. But the amount needed can depend on the individual in question. Most people need thirty minutes a day, five days a week, totaling a hundred fifty minutes per week. But some individuals, like professional athletes, will need a lot more of it.

Nothing in life comes for free. When people provide a service, they expect that they do so in exchange for money. Trainers are no different. They are going to expect to be paid for their time and effort. Buying sessions at a gym will be more expensive, since both the monthly membership and the individual sessions are being paid for. While just hiring a trainer may seem cheaper, the client will have to provide all the equipment necessary.

People respond better to different stimuli. One person may respond best to being shamed, to being called names like a fat little pig or something similarly derogatory. But that can be discouraging for others. As such, it is important for a trainer to be aware of the needs of their client.

Consistency is the key. When it comes to overall fitness, intensity is all well and good, but the most important thing is to be consistent. Going a hundred and ten percent three times a week sound good, and it may work for some people. But going at seventy percent intensity five to six times a week means more workouts overall.

Some also like to sweat it out by themselves. This is perfectly fine. While a trainer can help, the most important thing is to actually start moving.

Nothing lasts forever. Nothing is meant to. But some things can be kept in mint condition.

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