Thursday, May 7, 2015

Why You Should Take Your Kid To Baby Swimming Lessons In West Chester, PA

By Joanna Walsh

Teaching kids how to swim at a tender age helps them become expert swimmers and develop confidence with time. Every baby is usually born with a potential of becoming a great swimmer with the assistance of swim instructors. Experts have been reported saying that babies naturally know how to close their epiglottis whenever they are submerged in water, but this kill can be forgotten if not practices. That is why you can take your child to baby swimming lessons in West Chester, PA to get the full benefits.

The classes are usually in a series of thirty minutes where as a parent you will be actively involved. The instructors teach you and in turn you teach your child how to swim. The classes are usually divided into three different age groups usually between there and twelve months, one to two years and two to three years. We are patient with the baby and take them through all the steps until they have mastered the skill.

The classes involve three major steps. The steps take time and apply to children in different ages; you can only advance to the next step after the required skills are mastered. The first step involves preliminary skills where babies are taught to adapt the water surrounding and discover their movements and balance. They are also assisted in submersion and fundamental breath control procedures. In addition, there are also assisted in floating and jumping the pool.

The second step is more technical than the first one because it entails developing breath control procedures where they learn breath holding and bubble blowing via the mouth. They are also taught how to go under and move within water without any help. In addition, they learn how to float, submerge and jump into the water without assistance.

In the final step, babies learn to take charge of their breath control where they can blow bubbles via their mouth and nose. Additionally, they develop skills of kicking, rotating and paddling independently. They also learn safety measure and fundamental water confidence for safe swimming.

There are several social and physical advantages of baby swim classes. In the social aspect, the bond between you and your kid is strengthened since you spend more time with them. In addition, there are several other parents and children you will meet at the classes. Your baby will interact with them and become social people. In the physical aspect, baby swim classes help in exercising muscles and improving body balance and coordination.

There are also cognitive skills that babies develop from these classes. It enhances their memory because of the symbols that are used in the program. Babies also develop confidence as they learn technical stuff at a young age such as submerging in water. And as time goes by, their fear of water reduces.

In conclusion, you should consider taking your baby for swim classes as early as possible. The skills they get will help them not only to swim but also in their later life. They may also develop a strong liking for swimming and end up becoming great swimmers and take part in competitions.

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