Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Reverse Insulin Resistance Using Simple And Precise Guidelines

By Mattie MacDonald

Individuals are always in a continuum between disease and health. Some of the illnesses are chronic while others are acute. Diabetes is an example of a chronic illness. In this case, individuals are not in a position to control their blood sugars and therefore it fluctuates abnormally. One cause of this fluctuation is resistance to usual control mechanism; this far, it has been established that one can reverse insulin resistance by simple interventions like diet and exercise moderation.

Consumption of high amounts of carbohydrates is the primary factor which results to high sugars in vascular system. A precise way to prevent this from occurring is therefore by simply by avoiding or limiting intake of related food components. Instead of these sugar rich foods, one who is a victims of such resistance should eat more fatty and protein rich food. If carbohydrates must be eaten then they have to be taken in the least possible quantities and gradually.

A second lifestyle practice for persons with this problem is engaging self in exercise. A rigorous exercise is equally a remedy for high blood sugars. This is because physical activity promotes or rather enhances respiration and consequently consumption of excess vascular carbohydrates. On a similar note, there is reduced production of insulin as result of reduced blood sugars. Reduction in levels of this sugar regulating hormone therefore makes the body more sensitive to remaining little amount of insulin. With time, a balance is reached and sugar level is controlled.

It is worthy to note that the above two components are synergistic. Withdrawing sugar rich food from diet and regular exercise concurrently is very efficient in managing this condition. In addition, exercise serves to control autonomic nervous system hence stopping adrenal glands from releasing adrenalin. This hormone adrenalin is responsible for release of triglycerides into the blood stream, an activity which leads to rise of blood sugar.

Rest is a way of relieving stress and promoting comfort. A stress free body is relaxed and therefore does not produce stress related autonomic system response which would otherwise lead to release of more sugar into circulation. Such rest may be achieved by having a good sleep of not less than eight hours a day. Similarly, one may take a nap in the day and manage stressing factors appropriately.

Better still, it has been proven that nutritional deficiency contributes to this resistance. Most important among the involved food components are vitamin B6, glut-amine and chromium. If need be, these components should be supplemented to reduces occurrence of resistance in the population. Other food components and or nutrients include manganese, magnesium and vitamin B group among many more.

In addition to above mentioned strategies, avoiding some other substances that stimulate production of triglycerides is necessary. These may include and are not limited to alcohol, tobacco smoke and caffeine.

In summary maintaining good health is essential and all persons should make their responsibility to achieve acceptable standards of health. On a similar note, it is worth noting that people can easily maintain or restore health simply by adjusting their lifestyle. It may sound difficult but worth doing. For instance, a person who is diabetic and also alcoholic must stop drinking alcohol and choose good health. Otherwise, even the use of drugs to control this disease may not bear any fruit.

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