Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Rise Of Popularity In Lap-Band And Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

By Arthur Young

Today, there are a number of weight loss surgery considered safe enough to help reverse obesity. The most popular of these is the procedure involving the reduction of the stomach size. The size and volume of the stomach is reduced into a small pouch or "sleeve" shaped like a banana. This is achieved without interfering with any openings in the digestive tract. The procedure is commonly discussed as Lap-Band and Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy.

This procedure reduces the amount of food that the stomach can hold. It has also been found to reduce the amount of a specific hormone, ghrelin, which is produced in the stomach. This hormone is what triggers hunger and with smaller amounts being produced the individual has a reduced appetite. The final result of this procedure allows food to pass through smoothly even with a smaller stomach.

Obesity has become a worldwide health concern and in some countries, especially in the West, it has reached epidemic proportions. Eat less, and exercise more seems a simple advice to lose those stubborn extra pounds. But this advice not at all works for people who are considered severely or morbidly obese. For some people, battle with the obesity can be a never-ending.

Most of those who have tried safer and less costly procedures which are typically non-surgical methods with no much success, and the weight loss surgery comes out as the only option. The gastric sleeve surgery is performed laparoscopically. This involves making small size incisions that cuts away part of the stomach. It is performed by a bariatric surgeon who is an expert in the field. He does this by inserting a small camera also known as the laparoscope through one of the small holes and several tiny instruments to cut away the part of the stomach. This telescope transmits a magnifying image of the patient's abdomen and surrounding areas onto a television monitor, helps surgeons see the whole operation on a screen.

Other benefits seen with this surgery are the reduction of related conditions found in obese patients. Patients with diabetes have seen their diabetes reduce and even go into total remission after this surgery. Others experienced a reduction in sleep apnea problems. The ability to move, climb stairs and walk may be impaired with obesity, but the weight loss achieved after surgery allowed patients to increase their physical activity. High blood pressure was also found to stabilize sometimes eliminating the need for medication.

The main advantage associated with the procedure is the high success rate. In a short time of two years, most of patients lose up to 60-80% of excess body weight. Another advantage is that there is no permanently restrictive device or foreign objects like the band which have to be implanted in the body. The objects have been known to slip, erode and even cause an infection. Infections.

In some regions, obesity surgeries like gastric sleeve and lap band can save up to 50 to 70 percent of the cost in the US or Western Europe, even after travel and hotel expenses are taken into consideration. Weight reduction procedures in Mexico, for instance, are offered at a quarter of the average cost in the United States, without compromising the quality of care.

However, there are huge fluctuations in the cost of obesity treatments and surgeries in these countries too, depending on the surgery type, the country you opt to get the procedure done, and of course, the surgeon's expertise.

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