Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Professionals Campaign For Non GMO Vitamins And Supplements

By Young Lindsay

Health is the capital that you have so that you can work harder. Without good health, it would be impossible for a person to perform his daily task and duties. There are several things that a person can do to maintain his health. But because of too much activities in the schedule, taking care of oneself has become the least priority.

Because of the busy schedule of most people, they would rather take vitamins to perk up their health rather than make time for exercise. One of the things that some have discovered was the non GMO vitamins and supplements that are being offered today by most experts. The use of genetically altered products is a very controversial nowadays that there is several debate about it.

The Non GMO project, an independent organization, aims to make people know of the various risks that are involved in taking GMOs. They are now specializing on creating products that are non GMO in nature. This is to counter the products that are created with this type of method.

It is their prime concern to inform the people of the possible risks that they are could be encountering. When these products were introduced, it was not thoroughly studied enough which is why there are several loopholes with regard to the harm that it could cause. That is why several concerned groups have done a study to know what other people could be dealing with and these are some of the things that they have found out.

The main conclusion was that it is unhealthy and intake would open up different kinds of dangers that you do not want to expose your body in. To prove their point, they have administered tests on animal subjects and were rewarded with alarming results. Some of the subjects had to suffer severe organ damage. It was also proven to affect the immune system of the body.

There is also chance that the bacteria from the organism can transfer to the system of the body and cause several diseases. This is something that is very terrifying indeed. And until they are sure, experts suggest that whoever is still using GMO merchandise should stop now.

If there is an outbreak which is caused by the organisms, it would be impossible to contain. It is said that these bacteria can withstand a nuclear blast and the harsh effects of global warming. If an epidemic would spread, it would have a devastating effect on the human specie but the organisms would live on.

Side effects have also been reported. There were not enough studies to see what are the possible side effects that it might have. And whatever it will be is yet to be discovered. You can never know the outcome and how dangerous it will be if you mix to distinct organisms with each other.

There is also a possibility that it can contaminate the entire ecosystem and the living creatures in it. Because the test subjects were animals, they are more likely susceptible to the harmful effects. Which is why a lot of individuals are urging others to support their cause in promoting what these stuff can do to your body and your health.

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