Monday, November 4, 2013

The Struggles After An Orthopedic Surgery

By Kelly Wood

There seems to be a higher incidents with cases related to medical diagnoses that involve the bone, muscle or joint. In fact, MD orthopedic surgeries are very common in an operation room setting both for emergency and planned operations. More over, patients who are treated in a non operative manner is referred to a conservative treatment in the orthopedics department.

Those that engage in any strenuous sport activity are at high risk to any sprains, dislocations and fractures. For the old age, unsteady gait and blurred vision are normal physiological changes that can be a threat for falls and accidents. Also, children are not exempted from acquiring any accidents given the fact that they are mostly active.

Having to undergo any type of operation, whether if major or minor, can have a different meaning on every individual. For some, it can be really traumatic and difficult but for others, it could be just the opposite. Indeed, every person has his own way of coping the situation and, it is mostly at this point that health care providers should determine their unique needs.

Most patients would say that the more challenging part is usually after the operation wherein the body is in a state of adjusting. Having to experience the effects of the surgery such as body malaise, pain and exhaustion are a struggle for them. Moreover, going back to their usual routine like going to the bathroom can be even harder.

The most important thing to consider is the fact patients will really have a difficult time at this point. For doctors and nurses, they must be able to address their needs accordingly by making sure that they provide a holistic care. In addition, understanding the medical diagnosis and assessing psychological being can help in providing better care.

After surgery, complications can happen every now and then that may put the patient in a critical situation. Symptoms that may entail bleeding or further infection at the incision site are just some that should be looked out for. For this reason, the health care team regularly monitors the patient so that they could refer these manifestations to the attending doctor.

The risk for infection and bleeding can be common complications most experienced by patients after the operation. Infection may occur if the dressing in the wound is not properly placed thereby allowing bacteria to penetrate in the site. Also, wound dehiscence or the separation of the suture in the incision can result to profuse bleeding.

Another thing that these types of patients faced is the fact they could stay in the hospital for a few days and at those times they remain dependent. Most likely, they can be discharged soon if their condition is better but even so, they need the supervision of their family. There are times that they could feel pain at the site of the wound whenever they move and it really is tough to move around.

There is a need for people to educated about the effects of various MD orthopedic surgeries especially the physical and psychological part. There are known complications and risks that plus, the emotional state of the patient may also affect the recovery process. Determining the support background and the self concept can be few ways to care effectively for him.

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